'I am MAN' photoGRAFIUS.net
'A better way to Communicate'

photoGRAFIUS.net is a division of photoGRAFIUS studios.

photoGRAFIUS.net creates solutions for your company to communicate with people on the Internet. Hosting your companies web site on our server we can design and maintain a system that builds and creates a database of information for your clients and employees to access easy ably and securely.


- All material and code is copyrighted by photoGRAFIUS sudios 1999 -

[ Client Access ]


Admin area

Email Client Setup
Where you from?
Mini Speed Test (Local Server)
Qwests Speed Check
Net Speed Test
MCAfee speedometer
Free CD-ROM Tracking Software
CAPTCHA -- completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart [TEST]
Web Test Status
Decode escape encoded text found at bottom of some websites
